Getting Started

Quick start

This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app. You'll need to install Node.js (v16 or up) before using Mira.
Once Node.js is installed, run npm install to install the rest of Mira's dependencies. All dependencies will be downloaded to the node_modules directory.
npm install
Now you're ready to modify the source files and generate new files. To automatically detect file changes and start a local webserver at http://localhost:3000, run the following command.
npm run dev

Build tools

Start a local webserver at http://localhost:3000 and detect file changes:
npm run dev
Compile, optimize, minify and uglify all source files to build/:
npm run build


Inside the zip-file you'll find the following directories and files. Both compiled and minified distrubution files, as well as the source files are included in the package.
  ├── .gitignore
  ├── package.json
  ├── package-lock.json
  ├── build/
  ├── public/
  │   ├── index.html
  │   └── manifest.json
  └── src/
      ├── components/
      ├── layouts/
      ├── pages/
      ├── redux/
      ├── routes/
      ├── vendor/
      ├── App.js
      ├── index.js
      └── theme.js